Get Involved
We are really excited about the range of analyses we will be able to conduct with the combined SGP dataset, and are glad you are interested in being involved. We welcome anyone with an interest in Earth history and the desire to tackle questions of paleoenvironmental evolution in a collaborative group atmosphere to join the project.
For most researchers and at this point in the project, involvement in the SGP involves contributing data and metadata to the database. To add previously published or unpublished data to the database:
- Contact Erik Sperling ( or Una Farrell ( to express interest, and summarize the data you wish to upload.
- We will then work with you to produce a geological context sheet for you to fill out. A blank context sheet is here: blank context sheet and example context sheets with user guide and site and sample tabs can be found here: Example context sheet shales and Example context sheet carbonates But keep in mind we will help you with the initial formatting!
- Fill in the geological context sheet as best as possible, using the attached user guide, and asking if there are any questions. The key fields will be site level characteristics of latitude/longitude, section type (core versus outcrop) and metamorphic bin, and sample level characteristics of original sample name, height in section/core, lithology, geological unit name, international chrononstratigraphic time period, interpreted absolute age, and depositional environment.
Unpublished data will not be released in any way prior to group publications, and unpublished data will not be shared with consortium members at large, only with the analysts on specific SGP projects.
As the project develops and we move towards data analysis and manuscript preparation, SGP members will be expected to examine their data in the final dataset for possible errors. We of course will appreciate all members’ thoughts during manuscript preparation and involvement in group discussions of the results.
We look forward to your involvement in the consortium!